Braking Time Following Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review
Journal of Arthroplasty Aug 28, 2017
Hartman J et al. – This systematic review provided evidence to surgeons for making decision regarding safe rest duration between total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and resuming driving. The evidence suggests patients with left TKA resumed driving earlier than patients with right TKA due to 50% less time required for normalization of braking time.
- This systematic review included prospective studies on driving after TKA.
- Citations for inclusion, assessed methodological quality, and extracted data were screened by 2 independent reviewers.
- Data from 9 studies were pooled and analyzed (n = 330 patients).
- Braking normalization time were 2 and 4 weeks after left and right TKA, respectively.
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