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Botulinum toxin therapy of hemifacial spasm: Bilateral injections can reduce facial asymmetry

Journal of Neurology Jul 12, 2018

Xiao L, et al. - Given that when botulinum toxin (BT) is injected into the affected side of the face in hemifacial spasm (HFS) treatment, patients might experience increased facial asymmetry, researchers evaluated whether bilateral BT injections may reduce this facial asymmetry. In this prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study, CBTX-A (Lanzhou Biological Products Institute, Lanzhou, China) was used to treat HFS in 19 patients with unilateral and 24 with bilateral BT. The findings from the present study suggested that bilateral BT therapy might improve the outcome of BT therapy for HFS without producing additional adverse effects, however it does raise treatment costs

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