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Bony ingrowth of coil-type open architecture anchors compared with screw-type PEEK anchors for the medial row in rotator cuff repair. A randomized controlled trial

Arthroscopy Dec 09, 2019

Chahla J, Liu JN, Manderle B, et al. - In this randomized controlled trial, the researchers assessed the effects of open architecture suture anchors in the screw-type and coil-type with respect to bony ingrowth, the release of biological markers and outcome measurements recorded by the patient when used in rotator cuff repair (RCR). They enrolled and prospectively randomized 40 individuals undergoing arthroscopic RCR for full thickness rotator cuff tears to receive a screw-type (19 patients) or a coil-type (21 patients) suture anchor for the medial row during repair. The authors discovered that BMD surrounding the coil-type anchor was significantly higher than the screw-type anchor. It is possible to effectively use both coil-type and screw-type anchors for RCR and to produce similar clinical results. Because of its larger volume, coil-type anchors resulted in superior bony growth around the anchor and a greater total bone mineral mass within the anchor.
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