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Bone turnover markers predict type of bone histomorphometry and bone mineral density in Asian chronic hemodialysis patients

Nephrology Apr 18, 2019

Laowalert S, et al. - Among 22 chronic hemodialysis (HD) patients, researchers explored the association between bone turnover markers, bone mineral density (BMD), and bone histomorphometry, as well as coronary artery calcification. According to results, bone histomorphometry showed osteitis fibrosa, adynamic bone disease, and mixed uremic osteodystrophy. While bone biomarkers and BMD or severe vascular calcification displayed no significant associations, there was a common occurrence of low BMD and severe vascular calcification. While intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) levels were close to the KDIGO guideline target, abnormal bone histomorphometry, BMD, and severe vascular calcification remain common. As an accurate diagnostic tool, a bone biopsy is still crucially needed in providing optimal treatment guidance.

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