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Bone mineral density and fractures in congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Findings from the dsd-LIFE study

Clinical Endocrinology Jan 26, 2020

Riehl G, et al. - In the present study, the researchers sought to assess BMD in adult congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) patients depending on current glucocorticoid therapy and on androgen levels (androstenedione/testosterone ratio) in adulthood and at age 16 years. The sample consisted of 244 CAH patients from the dsd-LIFE cohort in which BMD and blood were available. Clinical and hormonal data were obtained from the files of patients at age 16 years. According to findings, higher doses of glucocorticoid appeared to cause lower BMD, especially among women. Prednisolone has reportedly had more harmful effects on BMD than hydrocortisone. Higher doses of glucocorticoid (lower androstenedione/testosterone ratio) during adolescence may result in lower adulthood BMD.
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