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Bone geometry, density, and microarchitecture in the distal radius and tibia in adults with Marfan syndrome assessed HR‐pQCT

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Jul 29, 2020

Folkestad L, Groth KA, Shanbhogue V, et al. - In the present study, the researchers tested the assumption that patients with Marfan syndrome (MFS) will have larger bone area and compromised cortical microarchitecture in comparison with non‐MFS people. In total, 74 adult patients with MFS and 145 age and gender-matched non‐MFS reference individuals (ref.gr) were involved. At both the radius (+27%) and tibia (+34%), patients with MFS had significantly larger total bone area. Volumetric BMD at both the measured sites exhibited significantly reduced total, trabecular and cortical volumetric BMD in MFS patients compared with the ref.gr. Increased bone turnover markers or circulating levels of sex hormones did not clarify the variations in bone‐density, ‐geometry or ‐microarchitecture. Compared with healthy reference individuals, patients with MFS had altered bone geometry, altered bone microstructure, and lower bone mass (lower aBMD and vBMD at all sites). Future research in adult and aging patients with MFS will concentrate on fracture rates and fracture risk.

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