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Body mass index in oocyte donors: A comparison analysis on body mass index and its affect on ovarian response

Fertility and Sterility Apr 12, 2019

Kestler JM, et al. - Considering a total of 588 donor oocyte cycles in this retrospective cohort study, researchers examined if an association exist between an oocyte donor’s body mass index (BMI) and her performance. Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) was done in a subset (n=296) of this group. Donors included were <33 years old, AMH >1.2ng/mL, and BMI of 16-34 kg/m2. Ovarian response or PGT-A outcomes were not different when the extremes of donor BMI were compared. This data may help reassuring recipients with donor selection and may aid centers in determining BMI criteria for donor screening.
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