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Body mass index and age correlate with antioxidant supplementation effects on sperm quality: Post hoc analyses from a double-blind placebo-controlled trial

Andrologia Feb 09, 2020

Busetto GM, Del Giudice F, Virmani A, et al. - Researchers conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the impact of 6-month supplementation with carnitines and other micronutrients on sperm quality in 104 subjects with oligo- and/or astheno- and/or teratozoospermia with or without varicocele. At the beginning and end of the treatment, semen analyses were performed. Outcomes were evaluated by separating the population into two age and BMI classes. A total of 94 individuals were recruited in this study. There was a significant (p = .0272) difference in supplementation efficacy for total motility on individuals with varicocele and BMI < 25. The data of this study displayed that supplementation was found to be more effective in individuals with varicocele younger than 35 years with BMI < 25.
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