Blood pressure management in hypertensive people with non-dialysis chronic kidney disease in Queensland, Australia
BMC Nephrology Sep 13, 2019
Zhang J, Healy HG, Venuthurupalli SK, et al. - In this cross-sectional analysis of adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and hypertension, researchers assessed blood pressure control rates as well as analyzed treatment patterns of hypertension. They also investigated factors related to control of hypertension. Participants included all non-dialysis people with CKD stages 3A to 5 receiving nephrology care in three public renal clinics in Queensland. These patients took part in the CKD.QLD registry and had a history of hypertension. Participants exhibited blood pressure control rates that were still far from optimal. The risk of progression of kidney disease was observed in individuals with CKD and hypertension aged 65 or older or with severe albuminuria or proteinuria; these people had higher rates of uncontrolled blood pressure (BP). Older age, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and severe albuminuria/proteinuria were identified as factors related to the use of more classes of antihypertensive medicines among participants with uncontrolled BP (> 140/90 mmHg). The most commonly used medicines were Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System inhibitors, irrespective of the number of medicine classes an individual was prescribed.
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