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Blood biomarkers related to osteonecrosis of femoral head by internal fixation after garden I femoral neck fracture: A cohort study

Injury Feb 19, 2021

Cui S, Zhao L, Wang Y, et al. - This study was sought to evaluate the relationship between the blood biomarkers (serum albumin, pre-albumin, total protein, and total lymphocyte count) and osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) following internal fixation of Garden I femoral neck fracture in adults. Researchers conducted a single-center cohort study, in which each patient who sustained a Garden I femoral neck fracture had been treated with internal fixation, and had adequate preoperative blood examinations. The data exhibited that for ONFH, blood biomarkers were potential predictors after internal fixation Garden I femoral neck fractures. This study’s findings demonstrated that routine laboratory tests might be applied to assist surgeons to distinguish patients at great risk of ONFH.

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