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Bisphosphonate combination therapy for non-femoral avascular necrosis

Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Apr 30, 2019

Agarwala S, et al. - A sum of 20 individuals were examined to quantify the outcome of bisphosphonates in the non-surgical management of the early stages of avascular necrosis at sites other than femoral head (AVNOFH). At a mean duration of 4.3 weeks after the start of therapy, they observed pain relief with the reduction in visual analog scale score. In the first 6 weeks, they achieved a 50% decrease in mean analgesic requirement. Complete resolution of BME was appeared in MRI in 13 cases at 6 months and in 17 participants at 1 year. At a mean follow-up of 35.3 months, radiological collapse appeared in 6 out of 18 patients.
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