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Birthweight thresholds for increased risk for maternal and neonatal morbidity following vaginal delivery: A retrospective study

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Oct 10, 2018

Ashwal E, et al. - The researchers sought to determine neonatal birthweight (BW) thresholds for adverse maternal and neonatal outcome following vaginal delivery via performing a retrospective cohort study of all women with singleton pregnancies who underwent vaginal delivery in a university-affiliated tertiary hospital (1996–2015). During the study period, 121,728 deliveries were identified; 26,920/121,728 (22.1%) met the inclusion criteria. Among these, 1024 (3.8%) showed a composite adverse maternal outcome and 947 (3.5%) displayed a composite adverse neonatal outcome. Among non-diabetic mothers who deliver vaginally, a significant increase in adverse neonatal outcomes was noted in correlation with neonatal BW ≥ 4400 g, whereas a significant increase in adverse maternal outcomes was identified in correlation with neonatal BW ≥ 4800 g.
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