Biphasic hydroxyapatite and ß-Tricalcium phosphate biomaterial behavior in a case-series of maxillary sinus augmentation in humans
Clinical Oral Implants Research Mar 02, 2019
Olaechea A, et al. - Using the maxillary sinus model, researchers assessed and compared the morphometric components and the histological properties of pristine bone and bone grafted with a biphasic ß-tricalcium phosphate in humans. Reparative mesenchymal stem cells have also been evaluated in the pristine bone and graft. For this prospective case-series, sinus augmentation was carried out using a biphasic ß-tricalcium phosphate. In addition, radiological analysis through cone beam computerized tomography was conducted. In this investigation, a total of 10 patients were registered. According to findings, biphasic ß-tricalcium phosphate is an appropriate biomaterial for the formation of new bones in humans in sinus floor elevation procedures, not only from the histomorphometric point of view but also in terms of the cellular and vascular quality of the regenerated bone. The number of Musashi-1 positive mesenchymal cells in the grafted area was also significantly higher than in the pristine bone.
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