Biomechanical comparison of different implant inclinations and cantilever lengths in all-on-4 treatment concept by three-dimensional finite element analysis
The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants Jan 20, 2018
Ozan O, et al. - Using a three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis (FEA), a study was carried out to estimate the effect of implant inclination and cantilever length on the stress distribution in mandibular cortical bone, implant, abutment, prosthetic framework, and prosthetic screw. The biomechanical comparison via 3D FEA suggested that decreasing the cantilever length by tilting the posterior implants resulted in reduced stress values in the peri-implant bone, abutment, prosthetic screw, and metal framework. Better stress distribution was seen in the groups with 30- and 45-degree tilted posterior implants and shorter cantilever lengths when compared to the straight and 17-degree tilted groups.
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