Biomechanical assessment of restored mandibular molar by endocrown in comparison to a glass fiber post-retained conventional crown: 3D finite element analysis
Journal of Prosthodontics Nov 02, 2017
Helal MA, et al. - In the present study, the researchers compare equivalent and contact stresses in a mandibular molar restored by all-ceramic crowns through 2 methods: ceramic endocrowns and ceramic crowns supported by fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) posts and core, by using 3D finite element analysis during normal masticatory load. In dentin, ceramic endocrown restorations present a lower mvM stress level than the conventional ceramic crowns supported by FRC posts and core. In comparision to those with conventional ceramic crowns retained by FRC posts, ceramic endocrown restorations in molars are less susceptible to damage. During normal masticatory load, ceramic endocrowns properly cemented in molars must not be fractured or loosen. Hence, ceramic endocrowns are recommended as practicable, minimally invasive, and esthetic restorations for root canal treated mandibular molars.
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