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Biomechanical analysis of medial-row all-suture suture anchor fixation for rotator cuff repair in a pair-matched cadaveric model

Arthroscopy Apr 23, 2019

Bernardoni ED, et al. - Researchers randomized 14 fresh-frozen human cadaveric shoulders into 2 rotator cuff repair (RCR) treatment groups [all-suture suture anchors (ASSAs) and conventional suture anchor (CSA)] in order to compare ASSAs with CSAs regarding their biomechanical properties. A double-row repair was done in all constructs, with the lateral-row implants consisting of two 5.5-mm PEEK (polyether ether ketone) Footprint anchors. Each construct was loaded to a 10-N preload for 2 minutes, followed by cyclic loading from 10 to 160 N at a rate of 100 N/s for 100 cycles. As per outcomes, the ASSA and CSA constructs were similar regarding failure mechanics and maximum load and had no difference in energy and stiffness. Despite slightly larger elongation in the ASSA group than the CSA group, the differences may not be clinically relevant.
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