Biomarker predictors of adverse acute kidney injury outcomes in critically ill patients: The Dublin Acute Biomarker Group Evaluation Study
American Journal of Nephrology Jul 12, 2019
McMahon BA, et al. - Researchers determined if an improved biomarker performance in the diagnostic prediction of severe acute kidney injury (AKI) and clinical outcomes [including death and need for renal replacement therapy (RRT)] in a heterogeneous adult intensive care unit (ICU) population could be achieved by serial urinary biomarker measurements together with a simple clinical model in a prospective 2-center observational study- the Dublin Acute Biomarker Group Evaluation (DAMAGE) Study. They found that AKI development, as well as associated clinical outcomes in a heterogeneous adult ICU population, were strongly predicted by a clinical model including illness severity, patient demographics, and chronic illness with currently available clinical biomarkers of renal function. Albeit not of statistically or clinically significant magnitude, an improved prediction of severe AKI, requirement for RRT and mortality was achieved with the addition of urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin/albumin to this simple clinical model than the clinical model alone.
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