Biomarker prediction for membranous nephropathy prognosis by microarray analysis
Nephrology Aug 11, 2018
Zhou G, et al. - Researchers sought to explore biomarkers for membranous nephropathy (MN) diagnosis, as well as pathogenesis of this disease. The microarray dataset GSE73953, comprising 15 immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN) samples, 8 MN samples and 2 healthy controls, was used. They identified 446 and 231 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in the comparisons of MN vs control and MN vs IgAN, respectively. The main DEGs included JUN, NFKB1, TGFB1 and PPBP; the latter two were specifically differentially expressed between MN and IgAN groups. The possible contribution of disruption of ribosome- and platelet-related function or pathways to MN progression was suggested. EIF4F and UBL4A might be two novel biomarkers for MN prognosis.
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