Bioimpedance spectroscopy as a practical tool for the early detection and prevention of protein-energy wasting in hemodialysis patients
Journal of Renal Nutrition May 11, 2018
Arias-Guillen M, et al. - In this observational cross-sectional study, researchers investigated if body composition monitor (BCM) could be a practical instrument for nephrologists to assess nutritional status in patients on hemodialysis (HD). They also compared its efficacy in identifying patients at highest risk of developing protein-energy wasting (PEW) alone or in combination with other tools currently used for that purpose. For the evaluation of nutritional status in patients on HD, BCM was found to be a practical instrument for nephrologists. Furthermore, it allowed detection of differences in body composition, prediction of clinically important outcomes, and classification of patients requiring preferential nutritional intervention, thereby, showing utility for the early prevention and detection of PEW.
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