Bioactive tricalcium silicate-based dentin substitute as an indirect pulp capping material for primary teeth: A 12-month follow-up
Pediatric Dentistry Nov 02, 2017
Garrocho-Rangel A, et al. - In this study, experts sought to assess the clinical and radiographic outcomes of a bioactive tricalcium silicate [Ca3SiO5]-based dentin substitute and a light-activated calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2]-based liner as indirect pulp treatment (IPT) interventions for vital primary molars with carious lesions approaching the pulp. In order to achieve acceptable therapeutic results, the indirect pulp treatment procedure with either a bioactive Ca3SiO5-based dentin substitute or a Ca(OH)2-based material could be considered as a suitable treatment, when applied on deeply carious primary teeth without degenerative symptoms.
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