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Biceps tenodesis is a viable option for management of proximal biceps injuries in patients less than 25 years of age

Arthroscopy Apr 09, 2019

Griffin JW, et al. - In this investigation, researchers assessed outcomes of biceps tenodesis in patients under 25 years of age, evaluated reoperations and complications in this population, and critically assessed the return to the level of pre-injury play for this population. For this analysis, 45 consecutive patients under the age of 25 had subpectoral biceps tenodesis for biceps tendinopathy or biceps-labral complex injuries including SLAP tears. Using an interference screw technique, biceps tenodesis was performed. Patients with a follow-up of at least 2 years have been analyzed. According to findings, biceps tenodesis in young patients offers an alternative to SLAP repair when indicated. Biceps tenodesis in patients under the age of 25 yields satisfactory results, with two-thirds of patients returning to sport and a low rate of revision.
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