Barriers to cervical cancer screening and acceptability of HPV self-testing: A cross-sectional comparison between ethnic groups in Southern Thailand
BMJ Open Nov 13, 2019
Gottschlich A, Nuntadusit T, Zarins KR, et al. - A total of 267 women (132 Buddhist, 135 Muslim) from the Buddhist district of Ranot and Muslim district of Na Thawi, Songkhla, were enrolled to complete a survey evaluating information and risk factors of HPV and cervical cancer in order to examine barriers to screening and acceptability of self-collection HPV testing as a primary method of cervical cancer screening among Buddhist and Muslim communities in Southern Thailand. Religion was the main predictor of former screening. Across religious groups, self-collection HPV testing was discovered to be highly agreeable, implying that it could be advantageous for cervical cancer decrease in this region. Moreover, in order to additionally enhance screening rates among Thai women, women from all backgrounds should be educated regarding the significance of screening.
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