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Balance ability and posture in postmenopausal women with chronic pelvic pain

Menopause Jun 28, 2018

Fuentes-Márquez P, et al. - Researchers sought to analyze balance ability and posture in postmenopausal women with chronic pelvic pain (CPP) via evaluating a sample of 48 women with CPP recruited from the Gynecology Service of Virgen de las Nieves and San Cecilio Hospitals in Granada (Spain) and 48 healthy control women matched with respect to age and anthropometric characteristics. They recognized poor balance including anticipatory, reactive postural control, sensory orientation, dynamic gait, and dual task-related conditions among women with CPP. In this work, posture displayed higher values on the dorsal angle and lower sacral inclination, less spine alignment, and a more prevalent posture with increased kyphosis and lumbar lordosis.
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