Avulsion fractures of posterior calcaneal tuberosity: Identification of prognostic factors and classification
The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Feb 13, 2019
de Soto PCM, et al. - In this retrospective study, a sum of 21 subjects of mean age 56.95 years were examined between January 2002 and December 2015 to evaluate the prognostic factors and classification of avulsion fractures of posterior calcaneal tuberosity. They noted a higher mean fracture displacement while complications happened (25.91 mm vs 7.61 mm) along with the appearance of soft tissues complications (30.65 mm vs 14.68 mm). They found a more secondary loss of reduction among females. They found an increment in complication rate from 30% to 90.9% and soft tissue compromise from 0% to 45.45% when fracture displacement was ≥2 cm.
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