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Avoiding the emergence of contrast-induced acute kidney injury in acute coronary syndrome: Routine hydration treatment

Coronary Artery Disease Jul 30, 2021

Arslan S, Yildiz A, Dalgic Y, et al. - This study was conducted among non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) patients at low risk for nephropathy, to examine the link between routine hydration therapy and contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) occurrence in this population. Total 401 NSTEMI patients were randomized to two groups: the routine hydration group (198 patients) and the nonhydration group (control group) (203 patients). A decrease in CI-AKI development was noted in relation to preprocedural and postprocedural intravenous hydration therapy among NSTEMI patients at low risk for CI-AKI. The following were identified as independent risk factors for CI-AKI development: older age, amount of contrast media, and routine hydration. In the light of these findings, routine hydration therapy administration in all acute coronary syndrome patients is recommended irrespective of estimated glomerular filtration rate values.

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