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Associations of serum calciprotein particle size and transformation time with arterial calcification, arterial stiffness, and mortality in incident hemodialysis patients

American Journal of Kidney Diseases Aug 16, 2020

Chen W, Fitzpatrick J, Monroy-Trujillo JM, et al. - Given that in patients receiving hemodialysis (HD), markers for arterial calcification may be features of the transformation of primary to secondary calciprotein particles (CPP) in serum, including the size of secondary CPP (CPP2) aggregates as well as the time of transformation (T 50), so, researchers undertook this prospective cohort study to investigate the links of CPP2 aggregate size and T 50 with arterial calcification among incident HD patients. The participants were selected from the Predictors of Arrhythmic and Cardiovascular Risk in ESRD (PACE) study. Findings revealed no link of both CPP2 size and T 50 with prevalent arterial calcification and stiffness in this population of incident HD patients. Experts identified a link between larger CPP2 and death risk, but this revelation requires to be corroborated in future investigations.

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