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Associations of retention on buprenorphine for opioid use disorder with patient characteristics and models of care in the primary care setting

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment Jun 28, 2021

Bailey SR, Lucas JA, Angier H, et al. - This study was undertaken to explore patient correlates of buprenorphine retention and if an integrated, interdisciplinary treatment model (buprenorphine and behavioral health) is associated with higher odds of buprenorphine retention than a primarily medication-only treatment model. Between 9/2/2014 and 6/27/2018, electronic health record data was collected from 494 adult patients with an opioid use disorder (OUD), ≥ 1 buprenorphine order and ≥ 1 visit to either of two primary care clinics. The outcomes suggest that an integrated, interdisciplinary model of OUD treatment was correlated with ≥ 6 months of buprenorphine orders among our study population. There is a need for continued research in real-world primary care settings to understand the impact of OUD treatment models on patient outcomes. A more nuanced evaluation of the relationships between psychiatric diagnoses and buprenorphine treatment retention is warranted.

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