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Associations of pregnancy physical activity with maternal cardiometabolic health, neonatal delivery outcomes and body composition in a biethnic cohort of 7,305 mother–child pairs: The Born in Bradford Study

Sports Medicine Oct 01, 2019

Collings PJ, et al. - Among 6,921 pregnant white British and Pakistani-origin women from a deprived urban setting, researchers assessed the links of mid-pregnancy physical activity with maternal and neonatal health. Women of Pakistani-origin were 53%. Data for 7305 singleton births were analyzed. Considering self-reported physical activity, they categorized participants into 4 activity levels (inactive/somewhat active/moderately active/active) at 26–28 weeks gestation. The inactive group was regarded as a reference group. Findings revealed beneficial effects of mid-pregnancy physical activity on maternal cardiometabolic health and neonatal adiposity, with no impact on gestational age or birth weight. The observed links were dose-dependent in white British women. In Pakistani-origin women, some health markers seemed to benefit from even a small amount of mid-pregnancy physical activity.
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