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Associations of opioid prescriptions with death and hospitalization across the spectrum of estimated GFR

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Oct 10, 2019

Novick TK, Surapaneni A, Shin JI, et al. - Given that most opioids undergo kidney excretion, researchers focused on opioid-related risks of mortality and hospitalization across the range of eGFR among adult primary care patients in Geisinger Health (Danville, PA). They propensity matched individuals receiving their first opioid prescription to those taking NSAIDS (and, in sensitivity analysis, gabapentinoids). Comparisons were performed for the risk of mortality and hospitalization, categorizing opioid medication exposure as time-varying daily oral morphine milligram equivalents across time-varying eGFR. Findings revealed a higher risk of death and hospitalization in relation to the receipt of prescription opioids vs other pain medications, especially with higher doses and at lower eGFR.
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