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Associations of maternal type 1 diabetes with childhood adiposity and metabolic health in the offspring: A prospective cohort study

Diabetologia - Clinical and Experimental Diabetes and Metabolism Sep 30, 2018

Pitchika A, et al. – Researchers analyzed data from the TEENDIAB and BABYDIAB/BABYDIET cohorts to assess the association between maternal type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and the offspring’s metabolic health, and analyzed whether birth weight and/or changes in the offspring’s metabolome are in the potential pathway. Findings suggested an association of metabolite patterns related to androgenic steroids and branched-chain amino acids with offspring’s overweight status. However, researchers did not observe any associations of maternal T1DM with metabolite concentrations in the offspring. Compared with offspring of non-diabetic mothers, offspring of mothers with T1DM exhibited increased adiposity, insulin resistance, fasting insulin, and C-peptide.

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