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Associations of dietary macronutrient and fibre intake with glycaemia in individuals with type 1 diabetes

Diabetic Medicine Mar 21, 2019

Ahola AJ, et al. - Using generalized linear regression, with and without macronutrient substitution, researchers examined the correlation between dietary intake and glycemia in type 1 diabetes. Energy and nutrient intakes data and the mean and coefficient of variation of self-monitored blood glucose measurements were obtained from records completed by 1,000 adults with type 1 diabetes. No significant results were noted in analyses of mean self-monitored blood glucose after adjusting for fiber intake. According to this observational, cross-sectional study, an association was evident between dietary fiber and lower mean blood glucose concentrations in type 1 diabetic people. When protein was replaced by other macronutrients and fat was replaced by carbohydrate after adjustment for fiber intake, glycemic excursions were reduced.

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