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Associations between weight loss difficulty, disordered eating behaviors and poor weight loss outcomes in Arab female university students

Eating Behaviours Jan 24, 2020

Nasrallah C, et al. - Researchers examined how eating behaviors, weight loss outcomes, and perceived weight loss difficulties (PWLD) are correlated among young Arab women trying to lose weight. Using a cross-sectional probability sample, female university students aged 18 years and older were recruited in the state of Qatar. An online survey was completed by the participants (N = 937); this survey measured their attitudes and behaviors towards healthy eating, body image, and weight loss. Among the participants, difficulties in losing weight was reported by more than two-third (67.2%) and disordered eating was identified in around one-third (31.2%). As per Chi-squared and logistic regression analyses, there was a strong and independent correlation between unsuccessful weight loss including lack of weight loss or maintenance after weight loss attempts, and PWLD. Further, a positive association of eating meals a few hours before sleeping and having disordered eating with PWLD was observed. No association of BMI, weight loss goal and skipping breakfast with PWLD was observed following adjustment for all covariates.
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