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Associations between pressure pain threshold in the neck and postural control in patients with dizziness or neck pain – A cross-sectional study

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Nov 19, 2019

Knapstad MK, et al. - Consecutive people with dizziness (n = 243) and neck pain (n = 129) were enrolled from an otorhinolaryngological department and an outpatient spine clinic, respectively, in order to investigate whether the pressure pain threshold in the neck was related to postural sway in individuals with dizziness or neck pain. In the dizzy group, following adjusting for age, gender, and generalized pain, a small, inverse association between pressure pain thresholds and sway area with eyes closed as well as between pressure pain thresholds in the neck and the Romberg ratio on a bare platform was noted. Neither of these associations were present in the neck pain group. Findings designate that in individuals suffering from dizziness, the pressure pain threshold in the neck was related to postural sway following adjusting for age, gender, and generalized pain, but only with closed eyes. However, the relationship was minute, and thus, should be understood with care.
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