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Associations between ovarian hormones and emotional eating across the menstrual cycle: Do ovulatory shifts in hormones matter?

International Journal of Eating Disorders Jan 19, 2019

Fowler N, et al. - In view of the association of elevated ovarian hormone levels with increased risk for binge eating (BE) and emotional eating (EE) during the midluteal phase of the menstrual cycle, researchers investigated if pronounced hormonal changes that precede the midluteal phase (ie, the dramatic decrease in estradiol and increase in progesterone during/after ovulation) also influence midluteal increases in binge-related symptoms. They examined this possibility in 375 female twins (aged 15–25 years) from the Michigan State University Twin Registry, identifying no significant associations between pronounced changes in estradiol or progesterone across ovulation and changes in EE scores in the midluteal phase. Findings thus suggest that compared to pronounced hormonal changes, hormone levels are more significant predictors of EE across the menstrual cycle.
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