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Associations between corrected serum calcium and phosphorus levels and outcome in dialysis patients in the Kumamoto Prefecture

Hemodialysis International Feb 22, 2020

Sueta D, Tabata N, Tanaka M, et al. - By performing this multicenter, prospective, registry study throughout the Kumamoto Prefecture in Japan, researchers assessed mortality in relation to corrected serum phosphate and calcium levels in a dialysis population comprising 1,993 patients at 58 facilities. Based on low, normal, and high levels of phosphate and corrected calcium levels, 9 classes of participants were defined. All-cause mortality was the endpoint. The follow-up revealed the deaths of 226 participants. Significant and independent predictors of all-cause death were serum corrected calcium level and the serum phosphate level, as revealed in stepwise backward multivariate regression analyses. In this patient population, a link of corrected serum calcium and phosphate levels with mortality was evident. Patients having high corrected serum calcium and low serum phosphorus experienced the poorest survival.
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