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Associations between breast cancer survivorship and adverse mental health outcomes: A matched population-based cohort study in the United Kingdom

PLoS Medicine Jan 12, 2021

Carreira H, Williams R, Funston G, et al. - Among women with a history of breast cancer followed in primary care in the United Kingdom National Health Service, researchers aimed at estimating the risk of several adverse mental health–related outcomes vs women with no such history. Comparison was performed between 57,571 women with a history of breast cancer and 230,067 women with no history of cancer followed in primary care in the UK. Findings suggest correlation of breast cancer survivorship with elevated risks of anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleep disorders, pain, and sexual dysfunction, persisting well into the survivorship period. Around diagnosis and during the period of the main treatments for breast cancer, the risk was especially increased for all outcomes. They emphasize the relevance of early diagnosis and management of these conditions to reduce their impact on the long-term health of cancer survivors.

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