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Association of visual acuity with eye-related quality of life and functional vision across childhood eye conditions

American Journal of Ophthalmology Nov 04, 2020

Leske DA, Hatt SR, Wernimont SM, et al. - Researchers conducted this cross-sectional study to assess connections between visual acuity and eye-related quality of life (ER-QOL) and functional vision in children, across a spectrum of pediatric eye conditions, using the Pediatric Eye Questionnaire (PedEyeQ). Three hundred ninety-seven children, aged 5 to 11 years, with an eye condition and 104 visually normal controls, completed the Child PedEyeQ (Functional vision, Bothered by Eyes/Vision, Social, and Frustration/Worry domains). Functional vision and ER-QOL in children were correlated with both better-seeing-eye and worse-seeing-eye visual acuity, measured using the PedEyeQ, although other factors can also affect relationships. The PedEyeQ is used to further validate these data across pediatric eye conditions.

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