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Association of the eukaryotic vaginal virome with prophylactic antibiotic exposure and reproductive outcomes in a subfertile population undergoing in vitro fertilisation: A prospective exploratory study

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Oct 24, 2019

Eskew AM, Stout MJ, Bedrick BS, et al. - In this study, researchers examined associations between the vaginal virome, antibiotic exposure and in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes via describing the vaginal eukaryotic DNA virome in patients undergoing IVF through high-throughput sequencing. They conducted a prospective exploratory study including 26 subfertile women aged 18–43 years who were undergoing their first IVF cycle with a fresh embryo transfer. Prophylactic azithromycin or no azithromycin before IVF was the primary exposure. No significant differences in IVF outcomes were evident between azithromycin groups. As per observations, antibiotic exposure influenced the vaginal eukaryotic virome in these women. Further, an inverse trend was observed between viral diversity and pregnancy, with an association of detection of a higher number of viruses with failure to achieve clinical pregnancy in the azithromycin group.
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