Association of tea drinking and dysmenorrhoea among reproductive-age women in Shanghai, China (2013–2015): A cross-sectional study
BMJ Open Apr 11, 2019
Zhang X, et al. - Among 1183 women of reproductive age who sought preconceptional care, researchers examined the connection between tea drinking and dysmenorrhoea by performing multinomial logistic regression. Study participants were asked if they had pelvic pain associated with menstrual bleeding over the past 12 months and further graded menstrual cramp intensity as mild, moderate, and severe. Data reported that dysmenorrhoea prevalence was 57.8%, with moderate and severe dysmenorrhoea at 10.4% and 3.5% respectively. According to this cross-sectional study, a lower prevalence of dysmenorrhoea was associated with tea drinking. Overall, the investigators concluded that green tea consumption and possibly oolong tea have been associated with lower dysmenorrhoea prevalence.
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