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Association of steroid injection with soft-tissue calcification in lateral epicondylitis

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Jan 20, 2019

Park HB, et al. - From February 2016 to October 2017, authors examined 110 subjects (110 elbows) to estimate the relationship of both, a history of steroid injection and the number of steroid injections with the types of calcification found in lateral epicondylitis (LE). They classified calcifications observed on standard elbow radiographs as enthesophytes/soft-tissue calcifications using the classification of Shillito et al. They noticed a significant association of the visual analog scale pain score, a history of steroid injection, and the number of steroid injections with soft-tissue calcification in the univariate analysis. But, a history of steroid injection and the number of steroid injections were found significantly associated with soft-tissue calcification in the multivariable analysis. They implied soft-tissue calcification in LE, an iatrogenic complication of steroid injection.
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