Association of smoking status with mortality and hospitalization in hemodialysis patients
American Journal of Kidney Diseases Jun 20, 2018
Li NC, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study, researchers studied the association of tobacco smoking status with hospitalization and mortality in adult hemodialysis (HD) patients at 2223 US dialysis centers with HD vintage of 30 days or less. They analyzed death and hospital admissions within 2 years of the tobacco smoking survey across different tobacco smoking categories [never smoked, currently living with smoker, former smoker, moderate smoker (<1 pack per day), or heavy smoker (≥1 pack per day)]. According to findings, HD patients who smoke were found to have elevated risks for death and hospitalization. Among younger individuals and those with diabetes, highest risks for death and hospitalization were observed. No association was found between second-hand smoke and poor clinical outcomes.
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