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Association of sleep apnea with mortality in patients with advanced kidney disease

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Jan 29, 2020

Jhamb M, Ran X, Abdalla H, et al. - By performing this prospective cohort analysis, researchers focused on the link between sleep apnea and mortality among patients with CKD and ESKD. In-home polysomnography was performed among 180 patients (88 with CKD stage 4 or 5, 92 with ESKD). Experts collected sleep apnea measures, ie, apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and nocturnal hypoxemia. From the National Death Index, mortality data were extracted. A median follow-up of 9 years was performed. After adjusting for age, gender, race, diabetes, body mass index, CKD/ESKD status, and kidney transplant status, no significant link was identified between AHI and mortality. Findings revealed a significant correlation between hypoxemia-based measures of sleep apnea and increased risk of mortality among advanced CKD and ESKD.
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