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Association of serum sclerostin level, coronary artery calcification, and patient outcomes in maintenance dialysis patients

Blood Purification Jun 27, 2021

Ge Y, Wu B, Yu X, et al. - This prospective cohort study was conducted to examine the relationship between the serum sclerostin, the coronary artery calcification (CAC), and patient outcomes among maintenance dialysis patients. This investigation was performed in 2014 among 65 maintenance dialysis patients (39 patients on peritoneal dialysis and 26 on hemodialysis), and a follow-up of 5 years was carried out. Findings revealed that dialysis patients with CAC had significantly elevated sclerostin. However, sclerostin did not confer risk for CAC. Post- 5 years of follow-up, younger age and presence of lower sclerostin levels and CAC scores were found in the patients in the survival group. Experts noted that sclerostin levels were not independent risk factors for high mortality in dialysis cases.

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