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Association of serum magnesium with all-cause mortality in patients with and without chronic kidney disease in the Dallas Heart Study

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Aug 08, 2018

Ferrè S, et al. - Authors evaluated the association between the low serum magnesium (SMg) and increased mortality in patients with vs without prevalent chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the multiethnic Dallas Heart Study (DHS) cohort. All-cause death, cardiovascular (CV) death or event, and CVD surrogate markers were evaluated using multivariable Cox regression models adjusted for demographics, comorbidity, anthropometric and biochemical parameters including albumin, phosphorus, and parathyroid hormone, and diuretic use were the study outcomes. They evaluated Mg as a continuous variable and divided into tertiles. Findings suggested an independent association of low SMg levels (1.4–1.9 mg/dL; 0.58–0.78 mM) with all-cause death in patients with prevalent CKD in the DHS cohort.

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