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Association of serum and urinary uromodulin and their correlates in older adults—The Cardiovascular Health Study

Nephrology Feb 04, 2020

Steubl D, Buzkova P, Ix JH, et al. - Using a random sub-cohort (n = 933) of the Cardiovascular Health Study, researchers assessed the correlations of serum uromodulin (sUMOD), urine uromodulin (uUMOD) with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and evaluated their links with demographic and laboratory parameters and cardiovascular disease risk factors via multi-variable linear regression analysis. The study sample had a mean age of 78 years, and 40% of the participants were male, and 15% were Black. They found a moderate correlation between sUMOD and uUMOD, adjusted for eGFR. An independent link of sUMOD with eGFR, log2 C-reactive protein and male gender was revealed in multi-variable analysis adjusting sUMOD for uUMOD and vice versa. A link of the male gender with higher uUMOD, as well as of diabetes and hypertension with lower uUMOD levels, was identified. Findings revealed a more strong link of sUMOD with eGFR vs uUMOD. Substantially distinct correlates of sUMOD and uUMOD were reported, this implies likely differential regulation of apical and basolateral secretion.
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