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Association of renal function with retinal vessel density in patients with type 2 diabetes by using swept-source optical coherence tomographic angiography

British Journal of Ophthalmology Mar 02, 2020

Wang W, He M, Gong X, et al. - Using non-invasive optical coherence tomographic angiography (OCTA), researchers intended to determine if there is an association between retinal vessel density and renal function in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). This investigation selected ocular-treatment-naïve individuals with DM registered in the community of Guangzhou, China. By using swept-source OCTA imaging, the retinal vessel density of the superficial capillary plexus in the macula was obtained. In total, 874 patients with DM (874 eyes), with a mean age of 64.8 ± 7.1 years, were involved in the final analysis. Even after adjusting for other factors, the eGRF was independently linked to parafoveal vessel density. According to this prospective cross-sectional study, retinal vessel density decreased with the deterioration of the renal function, underlining the potential value of OCTA in detecting early microvascular damage in the kidney in patients with diabetes.
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