Association of plasma macrophage colony-stimulating factor with cardiovascular morbidity and all-cause mortality in chronic hemodialysis patients
BMC Nephrology Aug 23, 2019
Deng X, Yang Q, Wang Y, et al. - Among patients undergoing long-term hemodialysis (HD), researchers examined the link between plasma macrophage colony- stimulating factor (M-CSF) levels and cardiovascular disease (CVD) events as well as all-cause mortality. This inquiry was undertaken in 52 HD patients and 8 healthy controls. From September 2014 to May 2017, HD patients were observed for CVD event (primary endpoint) and death from any cause (secondary outcome). In multivariate Cox regression analysis, plasma M-CSF was identified as an independent risk factor for CVD events in HD patients. An increased risk of all-cause death was observed in correlation with high M-CSF levels in the Cox regression model after adjusting for gender and age. A positive correlation of M-CSF levels with IL-6 and IL-18 levels was also reported. Overall, M-CSF was identified as a prognostic factor for CVD events and all-cause death in HD patients.
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