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Association of physical education with improvement of health-related physical fitness outcomes and fundamental motor skills among youths: A systematic review and meta-analysis

JAMA Apr 09, 2020

García-Hermoso A, Alonso-Martínez AM, Ramírez-Vélez R, et al. - Via performing this systematic review and meta-analysis, researchers examined if quality- or quantity-based physical education interventions is associated with improvement in health-related physical fitness and fundamental motor skills in youth. The meta-analysis was performed on 56 trials involving 48,185 youths (48% girls). Small increases in fitness components and fundamental motor skills were reported in correlation with quality-based physical education interventions; this was observed regardless of frequency or duration of physical education lessons. By contrast, small increases in only fitness components were observed in correlation with quantity-based interventions. Findings thereby suggest association of quality-based physical education strategies with improved class efficiency assuming typical school constraints (eg, reduced practice time per session).

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