Association of operative time with outcomes in minimally invasive and abdominal myomectomy
Fertility and Sterility Jun 08, 2019
Vargas MV, et al. - Researchers investigated how operative time (ORT) is associated with perioperative morbidity in minimally invasive and abdominal myomectomy. In addition, they assessed if there is an ORT at which minimally invasive myomectomy becomes inferior to laparotomy. In this retrospective cohort study of 11,709 myomectomies, 4,673 (39.9%) were minimally invasive, 6,997 (59.8%) were abdominal, and 39 (0.3%) were conversions. As per outcomes, complications could be predicted by ORT for both minimally invasive and abdominal myomectomies. Generally, superior 30-day outcomes were reported with minimally invasive procedures despite longer ORTs up to 270 minutes. The abdominal cases had shorter ORT, but had greater morbidity, with the highest rates in converted cases (20.5%).
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