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Association of menstruation cycle with completed suicide: A hospital-based case-control study

Archives of Women's Mental Health May 01, 2019

Behera C, et al. - Researchers conducted the gross and histological examination of the uterus and ovary at autopsy to determine and compare the menstrual phase of 86 cases in the suicidal group and 80 cases in the non-suicidal group. In the suicidal group, deaths were more common during the secretory phase (56.9%), while in the non-suicidal group, death occurred more commonly in the proliferative phase (66.3%). They observed significantly higher suicidal chances in a woman in the menstrual phase and the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. An increased risk of suicide was observed in correlation to the presence of corpus luteum in the right ovary, but the reason is not known.
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